From the conference office
NNSW Conference News
We are very excited to be bringing you the news in video format. As many will not be receiving the NorthPoint print, we will be producing these videos each month.
Download The NorthPoint Print Version
Join the Young Adults Tent in your Living Room
Hey young adults,
Just letting you know that Big Camp is still on! But this year it will be live streamed straight to your living room!
After the news that Big Camp was cancelled, the team that had been working so hard to put together a fantastic program for the Young Adults tent, went straight into brainstorming how they could put all of their efforts into an alternative program online. The program we’ve put together will go from April 20-25.
There has been a lot of prayer, thought, time, energy & passion gone into this year’s Big Camp Online program, and we’d love to share this far & wide with as many Youth & Young Adults around our conference & beyond.
Feel free to share this link www.bigcamponline.com with your churches, friends and family. You will find all the information about the program inside this website, but feel free to contact me directly with any questions you may have.
The exciting thing about Big Camp Online is that we are not bound by location or even age - everyone is welcome!
We hope to see you tuning in on the NNSW Young Adults Facebook page.
Have a great Easter weekend.
God Bless,
Blair Lemke
COVID-19 Health Videos
Dr Andrew Pennington from ELIA Wellness (Comprehensive Health) explains about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in these 8 short videos.
Posted Friday, April 10, 2020